Berkeley Lab

From the ALD for Operations / Chief Operating Officer

In order to meet the Lab’s mission and conduct the best science possible, it’s crucial that we all do our part to keep the Lab’s work areas safe, efficiently used, and clean.  While busy schedules can distract employees from keeping their offices and labs clutter-free, an unobstructed and clean work place improves workplace conditions and environmental safety.

Additionally, your efforts to eliminate or re-purpose old, unused equipment and supplies will help to ensure that we are all being responsible stewards of Lab resources by helping to maximize or recapture space for science and research support.

This website provides a one-stop location for information and resources you need to consider and employ as you create your plan. It includes FAQs, contacts, and a planning guide to assist your clean up whether it is large or small. The expertise and support of several Operations divisions can be accessed through this site to help with this effort, including EHS, Facilities, Protective Services, OCFO, IT, and Human Resources.

With guidance from your division organizers for large clean up activities, staff will be able to access the tools needed to take stock of chemical inventories, equipment and supplies, and paper records, and determine what can be disposed of, archived, or recycled.

Please use the feedback button on the website to let us know how we can improve or update the site to include relevant information that will help you.



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Planning Guide

Vector illustration of cool check list on clipboard

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.